• Question: How did you react once you got told your a scientist?

    Asked by keisha99 to Bob, Katie, Nisha, Sallie, Vee on 27 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Sallie Baxendale

      Sallie Baxendale answered on 27 Jun 2012:

      You never really get told that you are scientist….I guess it just kind of happens when you get your first job. When I got my first research job, I was very, very happy. I REALLY wanted to do the research project that was on offer.

    • Photo: Vee Mitchell

      Vee Mitchell answered on 29 Jun 2012:

      Being a scientist is one of those things that just creeps up on you really. Even my first job it didn’t really feel like I was a scientist but just someone who was told what to do by scientists – it’s only really once you build experience that you realise that you’re now making the decisions for yourself.

    • Photo: Bob Bonwick

      Bob Bonwick answered on 2 Jul 2012:

      When I got my first Science degree I was so very excited! I could call myself a scientist. Then I got m fist job as a scientist! It was the best feeling. All those years of study and finally I was a real Scientist in a a real Scientific Job!!!
