• Question: how can have hiv

    Asked by dzjfelix to Bob, Katie, Nisha, Sallie, Vee on 3 Jul 2012.
    • Photo: Vee Mitchell

      Vee Mitchell answered on 3 Jul 2012:

      You get hiv from fluid contact with some one that already has it, so this can using a dirty needle (applies to injecting drug addicts) or unprotected sex.

    • Photo: Bob Bonwick

      Bob Bonwick answered on 3 Jul 2012:

      HIV is transmitted via fulid transfer, this is in blood, sometimes in sweat and saliva, and also in seamen. Infection with HIV now isn’t what it used to be. Yes there are drugs out there to manage the effects of the disease, sometimes if it’s a few days after infection it can be reversed using something called a PEP treatment (Post Exposure Profilactic), however the side effects of this treatment are horrid and not 100% successful. This is why unprotected intercourse is not a good idea with someone you barely know.

    • Photo: Sallie Baxendale

      Sallie Baxendale answered on 3 Jul 2012:

      HIV infection happens when your body comes into contact with fluid from someone who has already been infected. Usually infections happen when you have sex with someone who is already infected with HIV or if the virus gets into your bloodstream, via a dirty needle that has been in contact with infected blood. In parts of Africa HIV is a real problem with very high numbers of people infected. It means that many children are orphans because their parents die when their children are still little. There are some drugs that can control the infection and stop it from developing into AIDS for many years but they are expensive and many of the people who are infected cant afford them. Its a real problem.
